Patience may be a virtue, but it’s hard to wait for the perfect smile. At Reese Orthodontics, we understand how frustrating it can be to want to improve your smile and the health of your teeth but feel worried about how long the treatment will take.

Now there’s good news for patients in New Hope and Chanhassen, Minnesota. With the help of Karen Reese, DDS, MS, and accelerated orthodontics by WilckodonticsⓇ, you no longer have to wait forever to straighten your teeth.

We share more about accelerated orthodontics to give you an idea of whether it’s the right choice for you.

All about accelerated orthodontics

Crooked teeth can cause dental complications, like infections or gingivitis. These conditions can threaten your overall health, but orthodontics offers a solution. Traditional orthodontics work by applying continuous pressure to slowly move your teeth to the right place. The resulting straight teeth are great, but it can take years for your teeth to move properly.

Accelerated orthodontics achieves the same straight teeth and associated health benefits as traditional orthodontics but in a fraction of the time. In other words, instead of wearing braces for years, your teeth will be aligned in months.

At Reese Orthodontics, Dr. Reese uses Wilckodontics, or Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic OrthodonticsTM (PAOO), to move your teeth as quickly as possible. You’ll still wear braces for a short period of time, but with the aid of minor oral surgery before you get them, your teeth straightening will be over before you know it.

During surgery, Dr. Reese removes part of the bone that holds your tooth sockets in place. With this bone temporarily weakened, your teeth move more quickly to the correct position. Based on your unique needs, Dr. Reese then fits your teeth with metal, ceramic, or self-ligating braces about one week after surgery.

While the average time spent in traditional braces is between 1-3 years, with Wilckodontics the average alignment takes 3-8 months. The best part? The treatment isn’t any less comfortable than traditional orthodontics.

Deciding if accelerated orthodontics is right for me

Accelerated orthodontics with Wilckodontics is a great option for adults, teens, and children who have all of their permanent teeth. It’s especially useful for adults in professional positions and high-school students who are anxious to be out of braces quickly.

The biggest factor when considering if accelerated orthodontics is right for you is the health of your gums and jawbone. Patients with chronic gum disease or who have or have had substantial bone recession may not be good candidates for the treatment.

Fortunately, Dr. Reese offers other orthodontic solutions that may be a good fit. If accelerated orthodontics isn’t the right option for you, Dr. Reese helps you choose the right orthodontic treatment for your health and lifestyle.

Learn more about accelerated orthodontics

If you’re curious about accelerated orthodontics and what it can do for your smile and the health of your teeth, it’s important to have an evaluation from a trained orthodontic specialist, like Dr. Reese. During your orthodontic consultation, she evaluates the condition of your teeth, gums, and bone to create a customized treatment plan for your specific needs.

Ready to learn more about accelerated orthodontics? Contact one of our offices in Chanhassen or New Hope, Minnesota, to schedule an orthodontic consultation or book your appointment online now.

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